

– 邀約面試
– 邀約面試安排通知



  • 信件內需要呈現的資訊清單

  • 招呼語

    例如: 您好、Hi、Hello

    小撇步: 在招呼語的後面,複製貼上求職者的名字

  • 告知你是誰


  • 簡短介紹公司


  • 簡短敘述目前在找的職缺 / 對方哪裡符合 (為何想邀約面試)


    小撇步 : 也可以從技能面、資格條件下手
    如果是新鮮人,沒有實務經驗,我會用直接用職稱來告知我要邀約他面試甚麼職務,或是 “對從事OO職務有興趣的人才”
    如果是同業的人才,我會寫說 “在找跟你一樣有OO經驗的人才”
    如果是符合相關技能的,我會寫說 “在找會OO的人才”


  • 告知你的期望



    若希望對方提供聯絡方式 (目前人力銀行可以讓求職者選部分開放,所以企業看不到電話)


  • 小撇步: 簡短敘述能吸引他的地方


    在這個位置,建議是寫跟這個職務相關的,例如,如果是找攝影師,可以說 “公司有自備攝影棚與剪接室”,之類的
    或者是,可以說這個職務的未來發展,例如 “該職務被定位為儲備幹部”,之類的



  • 小撇步 : 留下公司介紹/報導/社群/產品連結


    如果公司有在經營為了招募、雇主品牌形象的社群 (尤其是LinkedIn),附在邀約面試信件中,效果也很好
    還可以提升經營社群的績效 (流量、追蹤數),一兼二雇

  • 留下你的完整聯絡方式



Hi  OO(求職者名字),我是 OO公司的人資-Miriam,本公司主要的產品是OO,目前組織在擴編招募和您一樣 OO 的人才,因無法與您聯繫,希望能有機會與您通話進一步介紹職缺細節,若有任何問題請不吝與我聯繫


產品相關報導  :

招募漏斗線上課程 – 八折折扣碼 : TOPRECRUITER0.8

Miriam Chen
郵件:  notonlyhr@gmail.com

During the recruitment process, you can
convey clear information to job seekers through letters
The letter contains the elements that need to be presented in the letter, and there are also shared examples to make it easier for everyone to understand
. Since talents are becoming more and more in demand, the examples I share will emphasize the marketing of employer branding, which is different from the general tradition. content of the letter

Types of letters include
– invitation to interview
– notice of interview arrangement


invitation letter for interview

  • List of information to be presented in the letter

  • greeting

    Just like writing a Mail, you need to say hello at the beginning. Depending on the company culture/habit, you can use different greetings
    such as: Hello, Hi, Hello

    Small step: At the back of the greeting, the small step of copying and pasting the job seeker’s name
    does not seem to be much, but when most companies first contact job seekers, very few people are really willing to take this step.

  • tell who you are

    After the greeting, tell you which company you belong to, and you can decide whether to provide a professional title or not.

  • Brief introduction of the company

    Briefly explain the company’s attributes and background in one sentence.
    For example, what industry is it, it is a subsidiary of a certain group, it is a Taiwan branch of a foreign businessman, and what are the company’s main products.
    Please choose what you think is the most attractive to write. down, well-known

  • Briefly describe the vacancy you are currently looking for / where the other party is suitable (why you want to invite an interview)

    Describe the job vacancy you want to invite him to interview in one sentence
    . The way to describe the job vacancy is that most companies only tell the job title directly.

    Small tip: You can also start from the skills and qualifications.
    I will look at the resume background of the job seeker to decide.
    If it is a new person and has no practical experience, I will use the job title to tell me what job I want to invite him to interview, or It is “talents who are interested in OO positions”
    If it is a talent in the same industry, I will write “I am looking for talents with OO experience like you”
    If it matches the relevant skills, I will write “Looking for OO talents.” Talent”

    This can enhance the job seeker’s favorable impression of the employer’s brand, and make the job seeker aware that the company has seen his resume before inviting him for an interview.

  • Inform your expectations

    After introducing the vacancy you want to invite for an interview, you can then tell him what you want him to do, whether you want to call him back, provide contact information, or go directly to the interview

    The following example
    if you want to call back and answer the phone
    – because I just failed to contact you by phone, please provide a time that is convenient for you to call

    If you want the other party to provide contact information (currently, the human resources bank can open the selection part of job seekers, so the company cannot see the phone number)
    – because I can’t contact you, I hope to have the opportunity to talk to you to further introduce the details of the vacancy

    If you want to directly invite you for an interview
    – would like to invite you for an interview, so that you have the opportunity to get to know us better, please reply to your convenient interview time

  • Small Steps: Where a short narrative appeals to him

    This section can be placed in two positions

    The first position is
    after you have introduced the job vacancy you are offering for an interview , that is, before telling your expectations , you should also introduce it in one sentence
    at this position. It is recommended to write about this position. For example, if you are looking for photography As a teacher, it can be said that “the company has its own studio and editing room”, etc.
    Or, it can be said that the future development of this position, such as “this position is positioned as a reserve cadre”, etc.

    The second position is that after
    telling your expectations , you can use a column in the next paragraph to introduce more attractive content. It is recommended to write about the benefits or features of the company and
    present them with additional subheadings. Examples are as follows

    [The performance of our love for employees]
    – 10,000 yuan learning fund per person per year
    – fruit day once a week

  • Small step: leave company introduction/report/community/product link

    This small step is very useful for small companies with low reputation to attract talents.
    When contacting job candidates for the first time, attach a company report to let them know that you are not unknown and reassure job seekers.
    If the content of the report is about company culture If the company’s products and business model are relatively unpopular ,
    attaching an introduction link will also allow job seekers to have more understanding of the company, which can enhance the goodwill of the employer’s brand and make job seekers aware of the company’s recruitment intentions.

    If the company operates a community (especially LinkedIn) for recruitment and employer brand image, attach it to the interview invitation letter, the effect is also very good, and
    it can also improve the performance of the operating community (traffic, tracking number), one and two employment.

  • Leave your full contact information

    This part can be kept or not. If you are afraid of being disturbed by job seekers, you can simply attach a signature file with the title to
    keep it. It is more convenient for job seekers to call back.

【Example of Interview Invitation Letter】

Hi OO (job seeker’s name), I’m Miriam, the human resource of OO company. The main product of our company is OO. Currently, the organization is expanding and recruiting OO talents like you. Because I can’t contact you, I hope to have the opportunity to contact you. Call to further introduce the details of the vacancy, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me


During the recruitment process, you can
convey clear information to job seekers through letters
The letter contains the elements that need to be presented in the letter, and there are also shared examples to make it easier for everyone to understand
. Since talents are becoming more and more in demand, the examples I share will emphasize the marketing of employer branding, which is different from the general tradition. content of the letter

Types of letters include
– invitation to interview
– notice of interview arrangement


invitation letter for interview


List of information to be presented in the letter


Just like writing a Mail, you need to say hello at the beginning. Depending on the company culture/habit, you can use different greetings
such as: Hello, Hi, Hello

Small step: At the back of the greeting, the small step of copying and pasting the job seeker’s name
does not seem to be much, but when most companies first contact job seekers, very few people are really willing to take this step.

tell who you are

After the greeting, tell you which company you belong to, and you can decide whether to provide a professional title or not.

Brief introduction of the company

Briefly explain the company’s attributes and background in one sentence.
For example, what industry is it, it is a subsidiary of a certain group, it is a Taiwan branch of a foreign businessman, and what are the company’s main products.
Please choose what you think is the most attractive to write. down, well-known

Briefly describe the vacancy you are currently looking for / where the other party is suitable (why you want to invite an interview)

Describe the job vacancy you want to invite him to interview in one sentence
. The way to describe the job vacancy is that most companies only tell the job title directly.

Small tip: You can also start from the skills and qualifications.
I will look at the resume background of the job seeker to decide.
If it is a new person and has no practical experience, I will use the job title to tell me what job I want to invite him to interview, or It is “talents who are interested in OO positions”
If it is a talent in the same industry, I will write “I am looking for talents with OO experience like you”
If it matches the relevant skills, I will write “Looking for OO talents.” Talent”

This can enhance the job seeker’s favorable impression of the employer’s brand, and make the job seeker aware that the company has seen his resume before inviting him for an interview.

Inform your expectations

After introducing the vacancy you want to invite for an interview, you can then tell him what you want him to do, whether you want to call him back, provide contact information, or go directly to the interview

The following example
if you want to call back and answer the phone
– because I just failed to contact you by phone, please provide a time that is convenient for you to call

If you want the other party to provide contact information (currently, the human resources bank can open the selection part of job seekers, so the company cannot see the phone number)
– because I can’t contact you, I hope to have the opportunity to talk to you to further introduce the details of the vacancy

If you want to directly invite you for an interview
– would like to invite you for an interview, so that you have the opportunity to get to know us better, please reply to your convenient interview time

Small Steps: Where a short narrative appeals to him

This section can be placed in two positions

The first position is
after you have introduced the job vacancy you are offering for an interview , that is, before telling your expectations , you should also introduce it in one sentence
at this position. It is recommended to write about this position. For example, if you are looking for photography As a teacher, it can be said that “the company has its own studio and editing room”, etc.
Or, it can be said that the future development of this position, such as “this position is positioned as a reserve cadre”, etc.

The second position is that after
telling your expectations , you can use a column in the next paragraph to introduce more attractive content. It is recommended to write about the benefits or features of the company and
present them with additional subheadings. Examples are as follows

[The performance of our love for employees]
– 10,000 yuan learning fund per person per year
– fruit day once a week

Small step: leave company introduction/report/community/product link

This small step is very useful for small companies with low reputation to attract talents.
When contacting job candidates for the first time, attach a company report to let them know that you are not unknown and reassure job seekers.
If the content of the report is about company culture If the company’s products and business model are relatively unpopular ,
attaching an introduction link will also allow job seekers to have more understanding of the company, which can enhance the goodwill of the employer’s brand and make job seekers aware of the company’s recruitment intentions.

If the company operates a community (especially LinkedIn) for recruitment and employer brand image, attach it to the interview invitation letter, the effect is also very good, and
it can also improve the performance of the operating community (traffic, tracking number), one and two employment.

Leave your full contact information

This part can be kept or not. If you are afraid of being disturbed by job seekers, you can simply attach a signature file with the title to
keep it. It is more convenient for job seekers to call back.

【Example of Interview Invitation Letter】

Hi OO (job seeker’s name), I’m Miriam, the human resource of OO company. The main product of our company is OO. Currently, the organization is expanding and recruiting OO talents like you. Because I can’t contact you, I hope to have the opportunity to contact you. Call to further introduce the details of the vacancy, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me




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